
According to Fiona Ortiz in How safe is your city?, Mariano Pasik projected an odd scheme to test his city's security by placing bicycles on scattered areas. The bikes would be left alone without heavy locks but installed a hidden camera. In Pasik opinion, the longer it took for the blike to be stolen, the safer area it was.

When I browsed throug the news headline, it was be categorized as "oddly enough". It's very amusing to find that special idea. Something that maybe I still couldn't figure out the way they are thought in my whole life. Thanks them for adding spice in our daily life.

Instead of laughing, I still feel a little sad. In my first month at NCHU, I had already lost two bottles of water and a coat. More than half of reason was my careless. But I had tried hard to look for them from any of the lost and find that I know . And there is still no news.

From Pasik's attitude, the area where the bike be stolen quickly was the reflection of poor life quality. And he believed that the bicycle thefts on his camera commit the crime because of tempation. Somehow I felt unconsoled from my bad experience.(209 words)
