
According to David Fox in Australian rescuers save 11 whales after mass stranding, the essay reported the happy news that most whales were secured after the mass stranding. It also discussed the reason why the whales got into stuck and gave some common places that accidents easily happened. The report said it was rare that can save so many whales after mass stranding.

I very like whales. Their high IQ and cute exterior catch everyone’s eye. They always move in a group and have mild temperate. There are lots of movies and legends involved whales. Even you go to the zoo and you can watch the special whale’s show. You can see how popular they are in human’s world. They are mammal as human and evolved from wolves. They are really the precious worth in the land.

I don’t exactly know the reason why they strand which would kill their life. The reasons may be too complicated that I don’t want to discuss. There is only one thing that I am sure: To do anything you could to protect them. This animal should preserve well that our offspring can also appreciate them. Stop hunting the whales and leave the clear sea for them to live. I believe all we do is worth. (212words)
