
According to Elisa Mala in The Stuff of Life, there is a new style in trend. That is put DNA's images to our life. Humans can map their own to design the product. Those special things decorated in the home must make your life style outstand from others.
I am always envious about the beauty taste. Some people really have special taste to match things well. You will see their favorites often differ from ordinary people. When they show off what they collected or explain the ideas of design, it cans really overthrow your stereotype. Who knows one day even DNA can be one of the materials in design? From the picture, DNA is not only the noun in biology but also the fashion stuffs in your home. How dramatic change it is!

My sister majors industrial design in college. I often marvel the ideas she thinks of. In order to catch the new ideas, she often needs to read a lot of books and periodicals. Before she designs the products, she takes brainstorm with others long time. Her ideas should go through several times revised and formed the outcome at last.
Because I'm not good at art, I think it is a hard and long road toward design area. It competes with each other seriously and needs to strike new things soon. I give all designers big applause to thank for adding spicy to our life. (237words)


According to Peter Bradshaw in High School Musical 3: Senior Year. There a new sequel of High school Musical. The essay describes the movie's new story and make some introduce.

I like to watch High School Musical. I am the big fan to the movie. Unlike the traditional movie in Hollywood or serious opera in Broadway, it's just in the middle. You will feel the plot is more closed to our life, and you can still enjoy in music in ease way. I'm also impressed well by the way they dance. It seemed you can dance every time and everywhere. They had use the material like basketballs or tableware.

I bought the CD of High School Musical 2 and I really think it's worth it. The music there were all fantastic and there had some cute handwritings on it which was very different from others. Besides, the lyrics were so meaning or interesting that I even used them to cheer my friends up.

Except the things mentioned , the movie characters also near my age. I think that why it released would be anticipated by lots of young people. I feel amazed to see it to become a worldwide movie from a small-screen product by Disney at the beginning.(209words )


According to Hadley Freeman in Split that is end of an era - and tragedy for Pilates Madonna and Guy Ritchie announced their divorce today after nearly seven years marriage. The two celebrities from both side of British and American again hit the news headline. Actually, in the beginning of this year, public had predicted their marriage were on the rock. Now the critics discuss the reason why they separated from each other.

For me, Madonna just likes a legend. She always has special idea to lead the trend. I impressed that she used yoga to become part of her show in concert. It's always worth to attend her concert for the show often continued over two hours. And she has a big group of people to take care of everything to make the performance perfect. Unlike others only singing for CD's promotion, Madonna has lot of enthusiastic in performing. Even though she is about fifty years old, she is still the popular singer. Also, you can never judge her age from her outer beauty. She is in good condition. I think that's why she can stand in there so long and become the idle of worldwide.

Some people think that's exactly the reason that their relation broke up. Both take their career so seriously that they had less time to take care of their marriage. Also, the man was told that he feared his wife. Or maybe they always lived under spotlight, everything they did were be amplified. They had under large pressure to keep their relationship.

But I just think as long as they had their agreement, others should stop putting their necks in others business. Today's society is more advanced and everyone has their rights to choose what they want. The two characters in this story are adults and I am sure they can handle their life well.(311 words)


According to Fiona Ortiz in How safe is your city?, Mariano Pasik projected an odd scheme to test his city's security by placing bicycles on scattered areas. The bikes would be left alone without heavy locks but installed a hidden camera. In Pasik opinion, the longer it took for the blike to be stolen, the safer area it was.

When I browsed throug the news headline, it was be categorized as "oddly enough". It's very amusing to find that special idea. Something that maybe I still couldn't figure out the way they are thought in my whole life. Thanks them for adding spice in our daily life.

Instead of laughing, I still feel a little sad. In my first month at NCHU, I had already lost two bottles of water and a coat. More than half of reason was my careless. But I had tried hard to look for them from any of the lost and find that I know . And there is still no news.

From Pasik's attitude, the area where the bike be stolen quickly was the reflection of poor life quality. And he believed that the bicycle thefts on his camera commit the crime because of tempation. Somehow I felt unconsoled from my bad experience.(209 words)


According to Guardian in EU monitors begin patrols of Russian-held zone in Georgia.
EU had put pressure on Russia to withdraw their army in Georgia. But it's appeared that the Russia and the UK have yet to have the some opinions.

While large of people anticipated the approaching Beijing Olympic in August, the other side of the world had a war between Georgia and Russian. For most of us, we have no idea about what's going on. And after several months, this kind of blasting news will soon fade away from people's memory.

For me, I usually feel sentimental when hearing about the war news. Isn't there any method to stop this kind of brutal behavior? It's like we never able to live in harmony with each other. In my senior 2, my foreign teacher had played the movie, Hotel Rwanda. It's adapted by a true story which country got into a war because of oppositional race. Besides, my teacher also recorded some news reports at that time. So you could fellow a camera to a ruined church full thousands of corpses and some of them even became putrid. And all the reason is just because they were oppositional race. How can it make the motive rational?

It's the same condition to the war of Georgia and Russia. They both focus on their own interests. And so do it on other countries that why they stand out and call for "justice". At last, it always people that suffer. It's really ironic!

I hope the two countries can cease their fire as soon as possible and reduce the number of casualties to the minimum. (260 words)